What is Mommy, ESQ.?

No matter how you slice it, the transition from pre-maternity to maternity leave and returning to work is a rough ride.

Many working mothers are expected to dedicate the majority of their time inside and out of the office to the demands of their careers and providing excellent client service. Complicate that by adding a baby or two (…or three) into the mix, and most women feel crushed by the weight of their responsibilities.

What if I could tell you that there’s a service out there that could help you make this transition easier? A place where you could go to get the support you need to have a thriving, successful career and learn how to deeply enjoy your experience as a working mother?

Mommy, ESQ. is that place.
We don’t want any of you to look back on your experience as a working mother and think that it was anything less than amazing.

We’re bringing you products, services, and people that will make your day-to-day life easier and more enjoyable on our Things We Love! page.

We’re discussing the topics that matter to working moms on The Docket, and bringing you helpful tips and solutions to your everyday issues.

We’re going to check in with you on our #WakeUpWednesday page and make sure that you’re on track to have an unbelievable end to the week and relaxing, delightful weekend.

And, if you find that you need a little bit more support, our founder, Lisa Marie Lanham, has trained with the International Maternity Institute and offers group and one-on-one maternity coaching that will help you to enjoy the wonderful, beautiful, amazing journey that you’re on and empower you to achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of as a working mother.

If you are thinking about conceiving, pregnant, postpartum, or adopting a child, join Mommy, ESQ. as we bring you exactly what you need to have a deeply satisfying motherhood experience and thriving career.

If you’re interested in either a group or one-on-one coaching program, please fill out the form below to schedule your free thirty-minute session. We promise you won’t regret it!

Please be advised that the information contained within the Mommy, ESQ. website and provided to you through Mommy, ESQ.’s group and one-on-one maternity coaching programs is not a substitute for professional advice, such as the advice of a medical doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist. Further, please be advised that the information provided through the Mommy, ESQ. website and group and one-on-one maternity coaching programs does not constitute legal or professional advice and neither is it intended to be.

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